Season 9 Episode 5 – Sonic Calls Anne Frank a Loser

Fanfics read:
The Flintstones Have A Snow Halation (by Yoshizilla-Rhedosaurus)
Nobody touches Charles! Not even you, En Sabah Nur! (by cherikstony)
Good Vibrations (by dracoqueen22)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn, Zak, Pope, Wolley

Oh boy, Sonic fanfiction! Never read that before. This pseudo-sequel to SONIC HIGH SCHOOL gets our episode going, and when Zak, Pope and Wolley show up, we massively shift gears. An ensemble cast joins the Flintstones and the Love Live girls in The Flintstones Have a Snow Halation. Then we didn’t have anything else really good ready so we read about X-Men and Transformers. It was a weird, weird night. I still have a yelling problem.

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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