Fanfics read:
Sonic space time paradox fixed (by 1Plot2Story3Editing)
The Titanic Sinks In Panic (by GothPrincess666)
69 Hues the Dazed Knee 9 Wars of the Gears (by BusterManwomb)
69 Hues of Mindfork FNF reads FNF reads FNF reads Game Grumps (by BusterManwomb)
Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn, Beth, Sam
Well, we’ve got a new curse. A curse that hosts just can’t be free on Wednesday nights anymore. We had to cancel the live reading on this one but spent at least some-ish hours over the weekend that followed doing makeup recordings. So I cobbled together this episode from a session with Val, Stevo, Beth and Sam, and then another session with the core five. We read two bustermanwomb things, a titanic thing, and a sonic thing that Logan wouldn’t shut up about because he wants to name Stevo’s kid after it for some reason. It’s quite a trip to follow, and I can say that because I’ve been editing it for about 30 hours now!
Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!
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