Fanfics read:
In Which There is Little Dialogue (by Misaki_kaito)
Maybe It Has a Heart (by residenteviluwu)
Magic McCree (by Cawaiiey)
Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Hippie, Wolfboy
The curse continues! Unbelievably we could only get Stevo, Logan and Val for the first recording with our guests Hippie and Wolfboy. David did a small makeup a few days later but Shawn was nowhere to be heard. Well, whatever. The show goes on, as it does. We read about Teen Wolf (don’t see why everyone loves it so damn much), Resident Evil (incomplete but we could see where it went and wish it went farther, Tyrant in nurse outfit supah sexy), and then Overwatch as a magic stripper or something. Note to self: never get into word origination arguments with any hosts. Ever.
Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!
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