Fanfics read:
Kingdom Hearts The Legend of Keyblade Master – Side Chapter The Exciting Physical Examination (by Azmodan0210)
Edwards brithday (by ErinOfTheCullenClan)
Brewdening Love – A Twilight Fanfic (by ErinOfTheCullenClan)
Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn, Symphoenix, Ms. Pouty
Finally! We get to one of Shawn and Stevo’s favorite properties ever! We get to read a Senran Kagura story (much to Logan’s dismay). There’s one problem: it’s a crossover with Kingdom Hearts. Well, there’s way more problems than that, but that’s just one of the bigger problems. The crew starts off with some side chapter in a story called The Legend of Keyblade Master called The Exciting Physical Examination.
Next, David reads a short story about Ward from Twitlight called Edward’s brithday. It definitely was a…uh, thing.
Lastly, Symphoenix and Ms. Pouty return to help us tackle our…LONGFIC?! Yes, five episodes in, we begin at least attempting to take on Brewdening Love for the first time on FNF! No spoilers from us about it in this description, but it is a classic on a level almost reaching My Immortal. Sinnars fuk of!!!11
Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!
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