Season 8 Episode 5 – Nudity Takes a Backseat

Fanfics read:

Kingdom Hearts The Legend of Keyblade Master – Side Chapter The Exciting Physical Examination (by Azmodan0210)
Edwards brithday (by ErinOfTheCullenClan)
Brewdening Love – A Twilight Fanfic (by ErinOfTheCullenClan)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn, Symphoenix, Ms. Pouty

Finally! We get to one of Shawn and Stevo’s favorite properties ever! We get to read a Senran Kagura story (much to Logan’s dismay). There’s one problem: it’s a crossover with Kingdom Hearts. Well, there’s way more problems than that, but that’s just one of the bigger problems. The crew starts off with some side chapter in a story called The Legend of Keyblade Master called The Exciting Physical Examination.

Next, David reads a short story about Ward from Twitlight called Edward’s brithday. It definitely was a…uh, thing.

Lastly, Symphoenix and Ms. Pouty return to help us tackle our…LONGFIC?! Yes, five episodes in, we begin at least attempting to take on Brewdening Love for the first time on FNF! No spoilers from us about it in this description, but it is a classic on a level almost reaching My Immortal. Sinnars fuk of!!!11

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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Season 8 Episode 4 – His Penis Did A U-Turn

Fanfics read:

Not-Tiny Hermione (by GiantessLover)
A Whore for Bigfoot (by TooBigToFit)
Flavortown University (by shlonglord)
Reporting for Duty (by Jason)
Doctor Hoo (by x-sparklegurl1997-x)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn, LackofSense, Afrohawk

Hey, everyone! Stevo here, posting from out of state! Currently at VGMCon, so I will have to make this writeup brief. LackofSense and Afrohawk joined us for our first experiment in the new ordering for the show, and it worked out really well. We got through FIVE stories. Ted Cruz may or may not be in one of them. You’ll just have to listen to find out!

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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Season 8 Episode 3 – Cosmic Dangles – My Mathematical Harem

Fanfics read:
Snow (by Monik-chanlove)
Desire (by DarkRiku0)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Shawn

So, full disclosure: I have never attempted to watch more than 20 seconds of a PewDiePie video ever. I don’t care enough to. And I don’t know who this Cry-character is that’s also apparently a YouTuber. But we tried to read an MPREG fanfiction about them! Snow, which was apparently run through some kind of translator, goes full-daytime-soap on us before we switched over to the hottest Kairi X Kairi(?) fanfic we’ve read on a Wednesday night in February of 2019! That’s not saying much though. I honestly can’t tell if Desire fizzled or sizzled because I’m currently filled with 19 different variants of Xehanort and at least two Soras.

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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Season 8 Episode 2 – Warden, my erection got stuck again!

Fanfics read:
Devito Raider (by Brododile)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn

NYEHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! It’s time for some hot Devito action! The fretful Nighthorse five tackle the hairy, balding, sweaty, short stature that should honestly have been the canon Lara Croft. Danny Devito stars in Devito Raider (by Brododile). Come along as we raid some ancient civilizations and complain about our parents!

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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Season 8 Episode 1 – Nothing was hotter to Gritty than sexual consent

Fanfics read:
Tasty Seduction (by ManuelMantastic)
Training in the Village for a Massive Man (by ComicsNix)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn  

We return once again to the land of the living. Oh shit, this story was written by Stevo. Fuck it, let’s go back to the land of the dead.

Kicking Season 8 off with a bang as well as some sexy whimpers, the crew returns to read a story of two star-crossed lovers finding perfection in one another. It’s just a damn shame those two lovers are Gritty and Toomgis. Yeah, Stevo wrote this to get Logan to shut up about the two mascots and the rest of the crew has to suffer through it. Behold the eldritch horror of Tasty Seduction.

After that, as if we hadn’t had enough, we reread a ComicsNix classic with Training in the Village for a Massive Man. Naruto and the Hulk get into some ass-tentacle weirdness. That’s about it I think. Well, here we go again. Cheers to another Season of the awful!

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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Season 7 Episode 14 – Du Hast Gary Sinise

Fanfics read:
Steamed Hams But Chalmers Gives Skinner a Creampie in His Ass (by juicydickhugger)
Levi’s Dirty Night With Mr Clean (by xxAlbinoBlackCatxx)
Where did BB-8 come from (by gundamoocow)
Flash Fiction Friday X-23 Reacts to succubus magic. (by DraceDomino)
Spanish Fly (by Oscar-Wilde-Inspired)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn

As we reach the end of Season 7, we’d like to take this time to say…wow. This Season sure was a thing. 2018 sure was a year! I’m in no way trying to pad out the description for this episode at all, I swear! The core hosts read a slew of five stories which have nothing to do with one another and do what they normally do. Happy 2019!

Season 8 starts in later January 2019. Sign ups for Season 8 close on January 16th, so sign up ASAP if you haven’t yet! We have a slight format change for Season 8 but you should listen to this episode to find out more. Take care, and hope y’all had as much fun as we did. We’ll see you in a few weeks!


Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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Season 7 Episode 13 – Baconating Your Man-Turtle-Thing

Fanfics read:
Raphael and Michaelangelo Together Forever (by ChelleNorlund)
It Hurts For You (by ZexEios)
Sonic Goes to the Gym (by ComicsNix)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn, Disdonn, Shaggy
First, fuck Vince McMahon and the XFL. Second, yay, next to last episode of the season! Disdonn and Shaggy join us as some of the hosts try baconators for the first time! Also, you know, we read stuff too. We read some of the turtle story again, then shifted to reading about Game Grumps. And then Sonic again. It’s a whirlwind of….stuff.

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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Season 7 Episode 12 – Chapter 11 Bankruptcy, Chapter 4 Pregnancy

Fanfics read:
Raphael and Michaelangelo Together Forever (by ChelleNorlund)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn, Nyami Rose
Everyone get their fill of Turtle Power? Well, too bad, we got more of the same this week! Nyami Rose joins us to go back into the wicked world of the green team as we delve further within Raphael and Michaelangelo Together Forever. Of course, we talk about food again, and somehow end up doing a rocking duet to a song neither of the singers even know! Keep your sphincters clean, kids.

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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Season 7 Episode 11 – Don’t Blame Me for the Tantric Turtle Boning, Blame the Disabled Person

Fanfics read:
Raphael and Michaelangelo Together Forever (by ChelleNorlund)

Readers: Stevo, Val, Shawn, Tom, Tea
IT’S GREEN TIME! Anthropomorphic mutant reptilians unite as Tom (Peter Chimera) and new guest Tea kick some shell-like material with an awful, long, and awfully-long TMNT fic. Previously thought scrubbed from the internet, Tom has a preserved copy of Raphael and Michaelangelo Together Forever. Beware the itchy powder, seizures, panic attacks, and breathing hearts. To all of our fans: you are my nightwatcher.

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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Season 7 Episode 10 – Petty Officer Semen Cup

Fanfics read:
One Night in Oblivion (by baratron)
Getting Around the Block (by sashocirrione)
Fatty Emblem (by snakebit1995)
Mario and Bowsette in the Blazes of Love (by ComicsNix)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn, Val, Yahweasel
Dive back into the wonders of gay sex in Elder Scrolls as Yahweasel (creator of the Craig bot we use for recording) joins us to read more of One Night in Oblivion. Then, because we had more time, we read three more stories! Tetris blocks have their way with some dude from Death Note in Getting Around the Block. Food was eaten and jiggles were giggled in Fatty Emblem. Lastly, the internet gets what it deserves as Comicsnix delivers Mario and Bowsette in the Blazes of Love. Get tested, y’all.

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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