Season 7 Episode 9 – The Prince of All Filetains

Fanfics read:
Raymond Loves Dick (by NotSoClean (MrWilliamJamesBooma))
One Night in Oblivion (by baratron)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn, Val, Lack of Sense, D-LUCKS

As we trudge onward from that wreck of a Harry Potter fanfic, we try to recuperate with some nice, family sitcom entertainment. Except this is totally not the usual universe for Everybody Loves Raymond. Matt and Dylan join us for Raymond Loves Dick (which, coincidentally, is not a love letter to our favorite Richards). Then, we follow that up with a return to the lands of Tamriel with One Night in Oblivion. Timeline-smashing logic? Sure, all in the pursuit of some sweet Emperor poon!

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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Season 7 Episode 8 – ‘The Treason Between Her Legs’ (by Busty St. Claire)

Fanfics read:
Harry Potter Becomes A Communist (by HardcoreCommie)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn, Mirri, Epidehl

Well, this was unfortunate. We were all revved up to go and make lots more progress on Harry Potter Becomes an Armchair Communist. Well, I mean, we did do that. It’s FNF of course so we didn’t get too far, but then at the end we kinda had to ditch the story. Regardless, Mirri and Epidehl join us for the last episode of us reading Harry Potter Becomes Pol Pot! We move on to different stuff the week after, so enjoy the Trostskyites while you can!

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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Season 7 Episode 7 – Salty Dickquela Sunrise Shots

Fanfics read:
Harry Potter Becomes A Communist (by HardcoreCommie)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn, Val

Due to unforeseen technology issues, we had to redo the original episode for this. This ended up being just fine because we totally didn’t have anything better to do with our Sunday night than talk about Hot Topic-style communism and whether or not Tonks counts as a big-tittied gothic girlfriend. Harry Pol-Potter soldiers on, I suppose!

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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Season 7 Episode 6 – Donkey Show

Fanfics read:
Harry Potter Becomes A Communist (by HardcoreCommie)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn, Scout, Sara

We skate into the food court on our Heelys to buy some sweet Che Guevara T-Shirts as we dive deep into the red oceans of communism again. Scout and Sara join the crew for our second encounter with Harry Potter Becomes a Communist. Make sure to take Mom’s credit card and share it with everyone, because that’s how communism works!

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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Season 7 Episode 5 – Nothing Gets Girls Wetter Than Communism

Fanfics read:
Harry Potter Becomes A Communist (by HardcoreCommie)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn, Troy, Ms. Pouty

Sorry for being a few days late but we had a gremlin throw a wrench into the episode we had planned for this week. Instead, we’re jumping forward in time to when ushankas reign supreme and the only utensils you get with your meager bread meals are a hammer and a sickle. We have Troy and Ms. Pouty join us to start up our longfic called Harry Potter Becomes A Communist. Brace yourselves, this is gonna be rougher than a Winter on the Steppes.

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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Season 7 Episode 4 – eyy bb, wnt 2 meet up @ da ‘zeebo ;) ;_ lessthan3 XOXO

Fanfics read:

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Val, Shawn, Moguta, Waffle

This week, Moguta and Waffle join us for an hour and a half of distracted conversation and the worst grammar, punctuation and spelling ever. Yes, that’s all I have to say. It’s really really really awful. And we have to read just as much of it next week from the same story.

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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Season 7 Episode 3 – Why is this happening?

Fanfics read:
Daddydorf and Kid Link go Fishing Dadliest Catch (by Th3Baron)
MLPFiM VS One Piece (by Serenity Darkmoon Raven)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Val, Shawn, Sam, Kyle

This week, Sam and Kyle join in on the funnest family adventure romp this side of Gerudo Valley! Ganondorf goes Disney-style in Daddydorf and Kid Link go Fishing: Dadliest Catch. This story is so wonderful, except when it turns all…icky. Following that, we read the epic crossover absolutely nobody wanted: MLPFiM VS One Piece. Ya-yo-ya-yo, get ya gum-gum ready!

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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Season 7 Episode 2 – Warning- Second Sea Lord May Cause Macromastia

Fanfics read:
Cum Eating Husband (by Subone1)
George Is Pregnant (by Kooples)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Val, Shawn, Gorejuice, Sollux

Ah, yes. That feels better. Much Better.

Sorry for missing the post last week. There’s currently quite the backlog here at FNF HQ (along with some weird garlic-y smells and probably a septic system leak). To make up for it, you get…NOTHING EXTRA!

In this episode, Sollux and Gorejuice join the crew as we select a story based entirely on its title: cumeating.txt. Full title of Cum Eating Husband, we discuss the deep implications of cuckolding and quality child care when participating in such. After that, we read something topical (at least based on the time of the recording) called George is Pregnant. Our first story about The Beatles, I’m sure it won’t be our last, and hopefully is the worst but I actually doubt that. Nobody on the show can do a British accent. Like, at all.

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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Season 7 Episode 1 – Salmonella on my dick

Fanfics read:
The Adventures of Kurt Manlove (by OustSurfaceDisinfectant)
Every Time That You Get Undressed (I Hear Symphonies In My Head) (by gunboots)
Nintendo Land After Hours (by DeltaSmutSPD (Psyga315))

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Val, Shawn

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The boys and gal of Nighthorse are back after a very unrestful and unrelaxing non-break, due in no small part to finally getting the definitive version of our My Immortal reading completed! In fact, this is being posted on Stevo and Val’s honeymoon! (Yes, it’s over five years late, we know)

We return to form with a new opening and immerse right back into the fun with three stories. First, we read a very classic story from Egyptian folklore called The Adventures of Kurt Manlove. After cleaning up the tentacle goo, we move right along into Every Time That You Get Undressed (I Hear Symphonies In My Head). Space puberty is indeed a rough time for every human…in space. Lastly, we get some hot dude on CRT action with Nintendo Land After Hours. Don’t stick your dick into a powered on CRT, folks. It’s NOT a good idea.

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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Season 6 Episode 23 – My Immortal, Part 6 ~ ABRA KEDABRA!!!!!!!!!!!11111

Fanfics read:
My Immortal (by Tara Gilesbie)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Val, Shawn, Sara, Troy, Mirri, Epidehl, Popesloth, Scout


Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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