Fanfics read:
Raymond Loves Dick (by NotSoClean (MrWilliamJamesBooma))
One Night in Oblivion (by baratron)
Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn, Val, Lack of Sense, D-LUCKS
As we trudge onward from that wreck of a Harry Potter fanfic, we try to recuperate with some nice, family sitcom entertainment. Except this is totally not the usual universe for Everybody Loves Raymond. Matt and Dylan join us for Raymond Loves Dick (which, coincidentally, is not a love letter to our favorite Richards). Then, we follow that up with a return to the lands of Tamriel with One Night in Oblivion. Timeline-smashing logic? Sure, all in the pursuit of some sweet Emperor poon!
Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!
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