Season 6 Episode 12 – You Want To Please Your Horse~Lover

Fanfics read:
Fun In The Barn (by Challenge King)
Rings, Socks, and Minds (by Decadent Meerkat)
Foreign Affairs (by funluvr)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn, Val, Matt, Mike

Strap in for a wild ride across your childhood and into the politics of 2016! Matt and Mike join the crew in a voyage through three different stories based in, like, four fandoms and then somehow reality. We start with our first Animorphs fanfic with Fun in the Barn, and we discuss what the horse futanari who rule the world would be called. After that, we delve into Rings, Socks and Minds which somehow brings Yoda, Dobby and Gollum together for a frenetic threesome of short character debauchery. Finally, we slide into the moist sausage wallet of Foreign Affairs, which describes in vivid details what sharing an Uber with HRC would end up like.

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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Fanfics read:
Velma and scoobys intimate adventure (by panther207)
Frosted Tips (by Lana Macondo)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn, Val

Uh oh. We had a couple issues with our regularly recorded episode last week so we had to have an emergency session on a Sunday to record a makeup episode, and this is the result! We read two and a half stories. First up, we read a couple sections from THE WEIRDEST FANFICTION ON WATTPAD by a bunch of authors who come up with weird HP pairings and its really scary if you’re a twelve-year-old on the internet I swear. After some of that, we get some of the good stuff with Velma and scoobys intimate adventure. It is quite intimate. Very. Not at all super gross. Lastly, we delve into one of the weirdest pairings we’ve ever done with Frosted Tips, which features…well, let’s just say the Zodiac Killer goes to Flavortown.

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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Season 6 Episode 10 – They want you to scream at their ass

Fanfics read:
The Keyhole in Bikini Bottom (by FFGirl15)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn, Val, D-LUCKS

“Please Enjoy” our first attempt at doing a multi-episode story as D-LUCKS joins us this week. We start reading The Keyhole in Bikini Bottom, a Spongebob Square Pants/Kingdom Hearts fanfic that reveals that only possibly two hosts can do a good Spongebob voice, and also that Stevo’s never seen the show so he knows absolutely nothing about it. Strap in, it’s gonna be a something.

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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Fanfics read:
My Skellington (by 666bloodyfangs666)
Be Sure To Hit The Mark (by ceasefire)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn, Val, Katie, Troy

Troy and Katie join the crew to get back to (and very quickly give up on) KUNG FU TRON EL TORNEO. Instead, we move swiftly on to the My Immortal ripoff vehicle known as My Skellington. While doing this, Val yells at Stevo about babies. Finally, we read an Overwatch fic about McHanzo and a boobjob called Be Sure To Hit The Mark. Goodbye! *gets in a loud truck on David’s street and drives away*

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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Season 6 Episode 8 – Heavy Petting Zoo

Fanfics read:
Suckin’ Some D on the USS EnterMe (by SauerKrautss)
Happy Days What Richie Saw (by Dr. Bone)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn, Val

GUESTLESS NIGHT!!! The core hosts run amok across the cosmos! FUCK YOU, I WON’T DO WHAT YOU TELL ME! First, we peruse the lithe weirdness of Spock’s Evergreen Cock in Suckin’ Some D on the USS EnterMe. Then we go back in time with some Happy Days fanfiction. Finally, we travel to foreign lands with a valiant attempt at a translated copy of KUNG FU TRON EL TORNEO. Le Gasp!

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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Season 6 Episode 7 – Throbbing Lavender Man-Fruit Thing

Fanfics read:
Forbiden Fruit The Tempation of Edward Cullen (cleaner version, by BeckyMac666 and SimJan)
A Midsummer Romance (by T1Weasel)
The Purge – A Chef Boyardee Fanfiction (by SesameMeat)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn, Val, Afrohawk (Kyle)

Kyle joins us for our final iteration of reading about the Atlanta Falcons as a Mary Sue in Forbiden Fruit The Temptation of Edward Cullen. We are SO happy we got to finish that, but then we had to dive right back into some more SonAmy Hedgehog bonking in A Midsummer Romance. I’m so glad they have to keep reminding each other of their names during coitus. And lastly, we drudge up some Chef Boyardee Fanfic with The Purge. Overall, it was a sweaty, sticky, meaty evening.

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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Season 6 Episode 6 – DON’T TOUCH ME!

Fanfics read:
Forbiden Fruit The Tempation of Edward Cullen (cleaner version, by BeckyMac666 and SimJan)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn, Val, Gorillaz720 (Jamie)

This week, Gorillaz720 joins us for the first time to give some Aussie cred (even though the country still doesn’t exist, apparently) to our continued reading of Forbidden Fruit by BeckyMac666. We laughed, we cried, got poo-poo in the eye and potentially compromised our ability to be hired to any reasonable employment positions.

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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Season 6 Episode 5 – Vagina of Wonders

Fanfics read:
The Fanfic Critic and Her Vagina Of Wonders (by Mylokitty)
Lesbian Jesus and her Heavenly Wedding (by Mylokitty)
Forbiden Fruit The Tempation of Edward Cullen (cleaner version, by BeckyMac666 and SimJan)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn, Val, SimJan

SimJan joins us for a duo and a half (we couldn’t finish, and yes we’re used to feeling that way) of stories about very strange women with even stranger sexual tendencies. First, a set of stories about the FanFic Critic by Mylokitty. We begin with exploring the Vagina of Wonders and end up at a magical lesbian wedding in the afterlife. After getting juicy and moist spelunking in those vaginal caverns, we move on to a SimJan-edited version of Forbidden Fruit by BeckyMac666. It’s basically the My Immortal of the Twilight world (somehow apparently worse than Brewdening Love). Don’t smock dope in the lockar room, kids!

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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Season 6 Episode 4 – OOEY GOOEY SUPER POOEY

Fanfics read:
The Giving Tree A Gift of Love (by OhGodHereItComesYouMustNotMiss)
Wherein the Main Character is an Alicorn OC: The Series Reboot That Scootareader Vowed Never to Do On Multiple Occasions, But Suddenly Decided He Would Do Anyway, That Doesn’t Stay True to the Original at All, and Has a Title That Maxes Out the Chara (by Scootareader)
The Story of a Big Baby in the House by Comicsnix
Timeless Lust (by Rishi12345)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn, Val, Cap, Rhythm Bastard

In this episode, Cap and Rhythm Bastard join us for a bunch of stories all of which will scar a part of your childhood. First up, a story about the Giving Tree! Then, a story about My Little Pony! Then, a story about…House M.D. (just roll with it). And we finish off with a story about Pokémon! I promise there isn’t not any incest in at least one of these…

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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Season 6 Episode 3 – I like you as a person and your penis just happens to be attached to you

Fanfics read:
Beloved of the Black Lion (by Nary)
shrektacular: shrekawa was jst a boy……. but this is serious so he’s an ogre (by oikawamemesquad)
In the Mood that Fighting is For (by gunboots)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn, Val, Sollux

Voltron is love, Voltron porn is life.

In this episode, Sollux joins the crew for two stories about big, nasty things and one story about Shrek. We delve into the world of Voltron and see exactly how one has sex with a huge anime mech thingy in Beloved of the Black Lion. Then we take a dip back in the swamp of Shrek stories with shrektacular (full title so long so I just am not even going to bother to type it again). So kawaii desune donkiwa. Finally, we drop back into Voltron with In the Mood that Fighting is For and…I just don’t even remember at this point. It was fun, though!

Thanks as always to our Patrons, friends, and fans!

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