Season 9 Episode 8 – Ad-Hoc Cock

Fanfics read:
Your Waifu is Trash!!! (by Piddleyfangs)
Daddydorf 2 Coming Home To You (by Th3Baron)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn, Angelbaine, Richard Pryor

WOO! Happy birthday, Stevo (me)! What a wonderful belated present to spend reading awful smut! Thanks, Th3Baron!

We open the episode with the eternal quandary of why your waifu is shit with…Your Waifu is Trash!!! Then we bring in Angelbaine and Richard Pryor to read a wonderfully written story just pour moi by Th3Baron as a sequel to Daddydorf. So many Goron dicks to fuck, so little time.

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Season 9 Episode 7 – The Public Boobie System ~ ‘EXPLOSIVE BOOBIE MAGIC!’

Fanfics read:
Spiderman x Godzilla (by DirtyLittleSeacrest)
The Bread of Love is the Bread of Life (by IDetestTragedy)
Creep (by makotonaegi)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn

An unintentionally guest-less episode where we peruse the various holes of things. First, we get up close and way personal with Spiderman and Godzilla. Then, we try and eventually give up on some Yaoi based on the anime Yakitate Japan. Lastly we creepily masturbate as Plague Knight in a strange bout of exhibitionism. Overall, an adequate Wednesday night.

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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Season 9 Episode 6 – What are the odds that your parents are assholes

Fanfics read:
Give Me Something (by blame1988)
Keijo Futanari Girls (by snakebit1995)
Realizations of Emotions (by Oscar-Wilde-Inspired)
A Tent Scene (by Rene)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn, D-LUCKS

Well, shit. A new threshold has been breached. We finally read some fanfic about real life Hockey players. And it’s super weird. But apparently there’s some good dick sucking involved. D-Lucks joins us after we part ways with the fic after that, involving Keijo girls becoming Futanari. We move on to the Spanish Fly follow up for CSI from a few seasons ago, and then with some vanilla LOTR stuff. Overall, it was a messy time. Delicious.

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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Season 9 Episode 5 – Sonic Calls Anne Frank a Loser

Fanfics read:
The Flintstones Have A Snow Halation (by Yoshizilla-Rhedosaurus)
Nobody touches Charles! Not even you, En Sabah Nur! (by cherikstony)
Good Vibrations (by dracoqueen22)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn, Zak, Pope, Wolley

Oh boy, Sonic fanfiction! Never read that before. This pseudo-sequel to SONIC HIGH SCHOOL gets our episode going, and when Zak, Pope and Wolley show up, we massively shift gears. An ensemble cast joins the Flintstones and the Love Live girls in The Flintstones Have a Snow Halation. Then we didn’t have anything else really good ready so we read about X-Men and Transformers. It was a weird, weird night. I still have a yelling problem.

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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Season 9 Episode 4 – MEAT FIRST

Fanfics read:
69 Hues of Deez Nuts 9 Columbo finds out who Cucked Roger Rabbit (by BusterManwomb)
69 Hues of Deez Nuts 6 Disney Reboots Indiana Jones (by BusterManwomb)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn, Afrohawk, Waffle


*sigh* why did I even open my big mouth. A few episodes ago, we read about Jeb Bush and Ted Cruz and editorialized Columbo into it. Well, now Mister Manwomb wrote a story involving Columbo just for us, so we gotta read it. The crossovers abound in this double-trouble episode of masculine baby organs fanfics. After Columbo and Roger Rabbit we dive into Indiana Jones and some absolutely pants-shitting horrifying imagery. Waffle and Afrohawk tried to help us get through it. It was a marginal help.

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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Season 9 Episode 3 – You touch anywhere on my bed, you’ll be where my balls have been

Fanfics read:
Vegeta Gets Stoned (by TwitchySeaHorse)
Boku No Hero Asscademia – Episode 69 All Dick & MidWHOREia (by HotCockOnTheRockYUM98)
Dim Cast Light (by AzenaKira)
take and give (by venvephe)
Erina’s Lunch (by snakebit1995)
THE EX (by LilRamona)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn

Ooooo, experimentation time! Yesssssss….

In this episode of FNF, the core crew goes at it a different way. We have five stories where each host is assigned a role (well, most of the time, anyway) and we treat it like a low-budget audio drama. Actually, that’s more like a no-budget audio drama. There’s no sound effects, there’s no attempt at giving believable performances, but we each have roles, so we’re halfway there! The last story in the listing is read in our regular style because we did too much too quickly and Stevo didn’t have enough time to modify another fic. Be on the look out for All Might being in literally every anime ever, now.

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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Season 9 Episode 2 – What meat gets me off? What the fuck kind of fucked up question is that?

Fanfics read:
Home (by BlackDeviouseRose)
Darling It’s Better Down Where It’s Wetter (Take It From Me) (by imaginary_golux)
Every Man Should Start the Day on His Knees (by ExposeTheZodiac (GwenTheTribble))

Readers: Stevo, Val, Logan, Shawn

Oh, fun! No time for elaborations this week, we have sexy things to bring you! Due to a technical issue, David did not exist this week (blame his neighbor doing yardwork at 7:30 at night). So I had to scramble to get these stories ready. First is a Voltron hatefuck fic called Home, featuring two good boys. After that, its an AU Star Wars fic involving mermen and masturbation. Last, we’ve got a political heatwave with Jeb and Ted in Every Man Should Start the Day on His Knees. Warm titfucks to you all.

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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Season 9 Episode 1 – David needs to cum on you in 30 minutes or your pizza’s free

Fanfics read:
Sugar Smack Dat Ass (by CountChocula69)
Bill and Ted’s Excellent Orgasm! (by Rina76)
Get in Me Swamp (by tinglymelons)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn

Sorry to say but yes, we’ve returned. Again. Good to see you all. Hope you had the best fucking pride month ever.

The core hosts get immediately into it (after about 20 minutes of tangents and non-starts) with Sugar Smack Dat Ass. Sexy breakfast orgy? Hell yes! After that, the crew plunges back to the 90’s with Bill and Ted’s Excellent Orgasm! It’s totally righteous, dudes. Lastly, we visit our favorite large green man (outside of Jabba the Hut, The Jolly Green Giant, and the Big Green Monster at Fenway Park) with Get in Me Swamp. Make sure to hydrate as well as take adequate bathroom breaks before you hit swamp-territory. Crocks are still stupid, as well.

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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Season 8 Episode 17 – All ruined cause of a little doodoo

Fanfics read:
An Olympic Dream (by Nemeta)
69 Hues of Disney 4 Tommy Wiseau Eats Out the Hindenburg (by BusterManwomb)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn

The core four (and by four, I mean five) close out the end of Season 8 by reading more stuff. It’s pretty good. First up, we get the firsthand account of QWOP in An Olympic Dream. Then, we get more manwombness with 69 Hues of Disney 4 Tommy Wiseau Eats Out the Hindenburg. It is very accurate Hollywood blockbuster experience!

With the end of Season 8, we’re taking our usual small break! The sign up sheet for Season 9 will be up on our site and available until June 15th, so be sure to sign up by then. We will return the first week in July, and hopefully by then we’ll not only be recovered but also have new things added to our Patreon, along with lots of other awesome new stuff! We’re glad everyone survived Season 8…mostly intact.

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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Season 8 Episode 16 – Old Fuckdog Cookies

Fanfics read:
Touched By His Noodley Appendage (by winterwolf212)
Barbie Q, the Grill Who Fell in Love with Christian Grey (by EuroCat)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn, Simjan, Gorejuice

Simjan and Gorejuice join us to finish reading about Harry Potter FSM and then a girl that pretends to be god in order to fuck a guy and get his lady to leave. First up, we finish Touched By His Noodley Appendage. It’s just as weird of an ending as it was to begin with. Then, Simjan actually wrote the story we read! Barbie Q, the Grill Who Fell in Love with Christian Grey is all about grill fucking. Yup. It’s pretty good.

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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