Season 8 Episode 15 – Military Training: How to Breathe with your Butt

Fanfics read:
Pikapoon (by Rishi12345)
Paula Deen’s Salty Secret (by TimeyWimeyWizardStuff)
The very secret diary of Haldir and others (by Nithwen)
Touched By His Noodley Appendage (by winterwolf212)

Readers: Stevo, Val, Logan, Shawn, Mirri, Epidehl

Mirri and Epidehl join us again for a nice variety selection of stories in this episode. We revisit the wonderful world of Pokémon fucking with Pikapoon. Then we get all buttery with Paula Deen’s Salty Secret. Following that, we get very livejournal with a fanwritten addition to The very secret diaries featuring Haldir and a few others. Lasty, we start the starchy magical journey of Touched By His Noodley Appendage. David definitely missed some fun but we’ll make sure he gets caught up next week in the stickiest way possible.

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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Season 8 Episode 14 – Vaginal-Anal Hand Clapping

Fanfics read:

Sonic’s Ultimate Harem (by Lil’ Soniq)

Readers: Stevo, David, Logan, Shawn, Nyami, Sara

Nyami and Sara join us for our first foray into the legendary story known as Sonic’s Ultimate Harem. First, no, we are not reading the entire thing. It is far larger than we could ever hope to conquer. Now that I got that out of the way, yes, we read one chapter of it (well, at least parts of it) and we may do it again in the future! But, as you’ll hear, it’s definitely…how do I put it. It’s definitely up our alley, so we can only handle so much of it.

Maybe next time we should pick a chapter where we know the female character that is involved. Maybe also we shouldn’t dole out bad sex advice.

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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Season 8 Episode 13 – What’s the Japanese Word for Moist?

Fanfics read:

69 Hues of Disney 2 Simba from The Lion King bangs his way out of the (by BusterManwomb)
69 hues of Disney 3 (by BusterManwomb)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn

Mark the day of this glorious event in the stone wheel of time that records humanity’s accomplishments. We read our first story by BusterManwomb, who wrote a sequel to 69 Hues of Disney. The original story was already a ridiculous journey through a deranged psyche, but somehow the sequel ratchets up the insanity past numbers conceivable to the human race. Simba fucks his way out of the grid in order to get some fucking tacquitos. The main plotline is somehow the most coherent thing in the story. Then we read the sequel to the sequel. I’d say more but this story is best not spoiled.

Gird your loins for the cockbludgeoning of a lifetime.

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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Season 8 Episode 12 – Logan, you’ll have to speak up, I can’t hear you over this shit in my ears

Fanfics read:

Kingdom Farts (by ClosetFetishist)
dressed to impress (by wbtrashking (fan_nerd))

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn

Oh, fucking wonderful. We finally get to read one of those infamous farting stories. This is going to go absolutely swimmingly. We kick of the evening with Kingdom Farts. It honestly does end up being funnier than it sounds, but that’s only if you enjoy fart sounds in-general. After that, we read our first story from Soul Eater. It’s okay, I guess, but mostly it just prompts a lot of questions about weapons having sex. Stevo also complains a lot about being constipated and the crew says ketchup and catsup a lot. Outstanding!

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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Season 8 Episode 11 – The Adventures of Pooh-Bear and his Malware-Infested USB Stick

Fanfics read:

Tsuyu and Bakugo in Rapunzel (by EuroCat)
Flash Fiction Fuckin’s (by DraceDomino)
First Encounter (by Lyris Malachi)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn, Cassie, Rhythm Bastard

It feels like the dawning of a new age today! Birds are chirping in the trees. Foxes are darting in and out of traffic making strange noises. And of course we’re doing what we always do: reading fanfiction.

In this episode, we start off with another My Hero Academia fanfiction, called Tsuyu and Bakugo in Rapunzel. After last week’s Hot-Pocket Fuck Experiment, honestly didn’t mind calming it down a bit with some 4th wall breaking humor. A gallant attempt at shifting default user-ships for Heroackkckkkha. After that, we read some sections from Flash Fiction Fuckin’s. Each chapter was a different pairing apparently, and we enjoyed picking what the next person had to suffer through. Then Cassie and Rhythm Bastard joined us to reread a classic involving the School of Hogwarts and a giant squid. Then some more flash fiction thingies. Overall, 100million points out of 10 because it wasn’t Brewdening Love (I promise I will only harp on that for a few more weeks).

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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Season 8 Episode 10 – My dick can fall off for all I care, I’ve accepted my fate

Fanfics read:

Brewdening Love – A Twilight Fanfic (by ErinOfTheCullenClan)
maybe you shouldnt put your dick in there (by shuppet44)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn, Disdonn

WE FINALLY FINISHED BREWDENING LOVE! Holy shit, that felt way longer and worse than I remembered it. Disdonn helped us finally knock this thing to the mat for the fullcount. This will also hopefully be the last episode that’s cobbled together from multiple recordings. To celebrate the fact that we finished, we read a fucking lovely My Hero Academia fanfic called maybe you shouldnt put your dick in there. I won’t spoil anything about it but it was great, and made all the sweeter because Dave ducked out early so he didn’t get to witness it. It’s okay, I’ll make him listen to it this week. So happy to be moving on from this shit!

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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Season 8 Episode 9 – and then the dark lord said ‘oh no…’

Fanfics read:

Legolas (by Laura)
A Valentines Gone Too Far Fortnite NSFW Fanfiction (by InflamedIce)
Steam (by Swood)
Brewdening Love – A Twilight Fanfic (by ErinOfTheCullenClan)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn, Tea, DLucks

I feel like these writeups get so much harder to do when we’re reading a long story. Like, I could wax philosophical about many things when we’re not mired in an extended read but now? All I want to do is just bang my head on the desk.

Tea and DLucks join us as we take a tiny, super small reprieve from Brewdening Love and get some other flavors in the mix. First we read Legolas. We regretted it. Then, we read about Fortnite in A Valentines Gone Too Far Fornite NSFW Fanfiction. Those who cared regretted it, though most of us didn’t know any of the characters. You know, because its Fortnite. Then we read about Bionicle, and Logan and Tea cared and very much regretted it. Then it was more Brewdening Love. *sigh*

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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Season 8 Episode 8 – Vampire Baseball

Fanfics read:

Brewdening Love – A Twilight Fanfic (by ErinOfTheCullenClan)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn, Kutsu Shita

Boy, what fun being a vampire is! Our characters in Brewdening Love sure are relate-able, believable, and not at all grating on our nerves at this point! NOPE! Thanks Kutsu for putting up with us as we try to get more chapters done on this. Sorry, I promise (probably) the writeups after this one will be better written.

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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Season 8 Episode 7 – Top 25 Placenta Recipes and Other Things that are Gross

Fanfics read:

Brewdening Love – A Twilight Fanfic (by ErinOfTheCullenClan)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn, Wolfboy, Scout

Another week, another instance of Love of the Brewdening variety! Wolfy and Scout-y grace us with their ha-ha’s as we cobble together both a makeup recording with the regular episode last week. There’s a LOT of content, and it’s…well, if you’ve listened to any of this so far you know exactly what to expect.

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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Season 8 Episode 6 – Hot Bird Water

Fanfics read:

Brewdening Love – A Twilight Fanfic (by ErinOfTheCullenClan)

Readers: Stevo, David, Val, Logan, Shawn, Enigmatic, JoeldaAlcoholic

In this week’s installment, we get knee deep back into Brewdening Love with our guests Enigmatic and Joel. We discuss Hot Bird Water, which is a thing. Really I just don’t have much to type about this because it’s Brewdening Love and I won’t spoil any of it for y’all, you’ll just have to listen!

Thanks as always to our Patrons and fans!

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